Laymen’s Corner
GOD had waited over 400 years for Israel to grow into a great nation. Their slavery under Egypt’s taskmasters was such that only GOD could set them free.
GOD had waited over 400 years for Israel to grow into a great nation. Their slavery under Egypt’s taskmasters was such that only GOD could set them free.
One of the complaints I hear from my clients is how their medical care is sliding from “just okay” to “getting kinda scary”. Boy, can I relate.
Last week I got a phone call from my preacher, Pat Morris (who is also an elder) from Valley Creek Church of Christ, asking if I had a trailer hitch on my van.
Lori grew up in California, the youngest in the family. She had three brothers and her sister, Linda, was the oldest. We met at Abilene Christian College when she was only 17 and I was 19.
Last week I complained about the failures of our institutionalized education system such as turning science into a religion and snuffing out free speech in the name of tolerance (!?!).
Moses lived 40 years in Egypt with Pharaoh’s daughter where he learned all the ways and laws of Egypt’s government.
If you’ve been following the Texas legislature, you know that it’s probably just a matter of time before our state becomes the only state in the Union besides North Carolina to pass a socalled “bat
Lori and I moved to Forney almost four decades ago and we have certainly seen a lot of change over the years. In our first years here we were truly a bedroom community.
I’m currently reading a book by Ben Sasse called “The Vanishing American Adult”.
Israel’s cry came up before GOD and He saw it was time to start their delivery from bondage in Egypt. We should remember that GOD made this plan a long time before it happened.
Two days after a tragic accident took the life of Forney High School freshman softball outfielder Emily Galiano, a swell of unity in the form of sympathy, love and support began for the victim’s fa
Last week I got an alert on my iPhone from our security system that someone was at our front door.
Israel is now in Egypt and multiplying like the promise GOD gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to make their descendants like the stars of Heaven in number.
People who are in business for themselves never really stop working. There are always irons in the fire, deals in the making, loose ends to tie up.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Physical Address: 201 W. Broad St., Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599