Laymen’s Corner
GOD continues His judgment against the gods of Egypt with plague #8 which is against “Seth”, the god of storms and thunder. GOD hardened Pharaoh’s heart after the plague of hail and fire.
GOD continues His judgment against the gods of Egypt with plague #8 which is against “Seth”, the god of storms and thunder. GOD hardened Pharaoh’s heart after the plague of hail and fire.
I recently read three articles which, taken together, painted a rather depressing view of the up and coming generation. That, in itself, is nothing new.
A couple of months ago I got an advertisement on my Facebook news feed that tickets were about to go on sale for the 70th Birthday Celebration for the Eagles’ lead singer, Don Henley.
Plague #7 is against “nut” Egyptian goddess of the sky. Pharaoh was warned about the hail and fire that would rain down from the sky if he did not believe GOD and let the people go.
On Tuesday, Texas Senate Republicans voted overwhelmingly to pass SB 3, one of the versions of the so-called “bathroom bill” that have been floating around the Texas Legislature.
On July 13, I received an e-mail that got my attention. “Cary,” it began.
It has been a great year for gardening. This spring, not only did Lori and I put in a big vegetable garden at our pecan orchard, we also did a lot of landscaping at our house.
People know that my politics stand distinctly right of center. What they don’t know is that I used to stand distinctly left of center.
The sixth plague against Egypt was against the god ISIS, the goddess of medicine and peace, and was on the people themselves (their bodies).
I had a good mom. She taught us a wealth of skills and provided excellent nutrition. She was into health food long before it was a thing.
The fourth judgment against the gods of Egypt was upon the gods of bulls and cattle. Their names were “ptah, mnevls, hathor, and amon”.
I’m sure a lot of Forney residents were hoping that the City Council would reconsider its decision to terminate within six months a service and maintenance agreement with Markout Water Supply Corpo
This weekend I preached at Canyon Lake near New Braunfels, Texas. A day early, I drove to Floresville to visit my dad and I intended to spend the night in a recliner in his living room.
The third god of Egypt that GOD judged was “GEB” God of the land. GOD turned the whole surface of the land into gnats. To me, gnats are one of the worst pests around.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Physical Address: 201 W. Broad St., Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599