Three Rights Make a Left
John, (not his real name) was a grade ahead of me and lived about a mile away. His mom and dad were divorced but lived near one another. Both of them ran Jewelry stores.
John, (not his real name) was a grade ahead of me and lived about a mile away. His mom and dad were divorced but lived near one another. Both of them ran Jewelry stores.
When Jesus’ ministry was finished, the law was fulfilled. He said that He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.
The most important book in the psych world is the DSM, which stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and which contains all the diagnoses insurance companies need to judge you.
Bible book Matt: chapter 5 gives the Sermon on the Mount. The beatitudes are the subject as Jesus was teaching about the future of the Church and the responsibilities of all the members.
KAUFMAN COUNTY, Texas — In one of the most hotly-contested primaries, Kaufman County voters took to the polling booths on Tuesday — pushing several primary candidates into run-off elections and two
A couple of decades ago I was browsing the books on cassette at Half Price Books and discovered something called “Texas Bound”.
In the Bible, someone will occasionally opine that the road to hell is straight and wide, but the road to heaven is narrow and difficult.
The Jewish leaders were looking for a “king” to come and throw out the Romans and sit on the throne of David. The people believed what they were told by the leaders.
Many of my “court-ordered” referrals involve domestic violence. I really should put together an anger management class. God knows the demand is out there.
Next week, I will be serving as an Election Judge again for the first time in about 20 years.
At the Passover Jesus went to the temple to worship as customary at that time.
The first time I visited my future husband in Forney, I stood in the middle of his yard and scanned the horizon.
From the outset I have to point out that recent shootings have hit me pretty close to home. So, I think I can objectively and rationally discuss the current talk about restricting certain guns.
Since shortly after I got my license at 16, I’ve always had a car. A used car that I bought with my own money.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Physical Address: 201 W. Broad St., Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599