Columns & Editorials

Dear Aunt B,

Dear Aunt B,

I am happy, really really happy. I am newly in love. I have to admit that I’m afraid. What if it doesn’t last? What if it is just puppy love? What if they don’t love me? Am I crazy for thinking this could be long-lasting love?

Did You Know?

Grilling is serious business in the hearts and minds of millions of people, which is perhaps the reason why individuals tend to be so devoted to their preferred method of cooking foods over an open

Ask Aunt B

Ask Aunt B

I absolutely hate the heat. I am miserable the entire summer and make everyone around me miserable. Do you think I should consider relocating?

Onto New Things

Onto New Things

When you’re walking and reach a gate that is closed, the next step is to open it. But what if it won’t just open? It could have a chain with a lock that needs a key you don’t have, or it’s a combination lock and you don’t have the combination needed to open it. It may have an electric gate opener that is simply not plugged in, or the battery that controls it isn’t charged enough to function. So what are our options?

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Dear Aunt B,

I am in the middle of a fight with my mother. I try to be respectful but she pushes every button I have. I truly do want a relationship with my mom, but I don’t know how to get past all of this. Any help?

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Is There a Manager in the House?

So, about this being an adult thing, is it too late to get my money back? Do I need a receipt? I lost that around 50 years ago. Still, it’s broken and that’s not fair, right? I demand a full refund or, at least, an intense conversation with a manager. The world, from my standpoint, has become unhinged. Weather systems are in a tizzy. Humans are not behaving very humanly. The haves have too much. The have nots don’t have a pot to do the things you do with pots. And, besides all this, what happened to the things we were supposed to be doing as adults? I’ve been thinking a lot about childhood me lately. I had hopes and dreams and, especially, fears. What happened to all those things? I took a family poll, recently, by posing a question in the form of a statement. “Tell me some of the things you worried about when you were a kid that you thought were going to be huge adult issues but turned out to be 100% nonfactors.”

Dear Aunt B,

Dear Aunt B,

Here we go again. It’s summer, and my children are out of school. I’m a teacher as well, so I am fully aware of what happens over the summer. I want to rest, and I want my children to rest as well. I just don't want the summer to get away and all the learning that took place this year to disappear in the mist. I feel guilty that I am asking for your advice because as a teacher I should

Did You Know? Hole-In-One

Did You Know? Hole-In-One

Few individual accomplishments in sports may be more coveted than sinking a holein- one on the golf course, but golfers from all walks of life may not want to hold their breath hoping to accomplish that feat the next time they hit the links. According to the National Hole-in-One Registry, the odds of the average player making a hole-in-one are 12,500 to 1. Even professional golfers may want to temper their expectations of sinking a hole-in-one, as the Registry cites the odds of a pro accomplishing the feat as 3,000 to 1. Golfers who like to play in foursomes should know that their odds of sinking a hole-inone if someone in their group has already done so are especially long. According to the Registry, the chances of two players from the same foursome sinking a hole-in-one are 17 million to 1.

Dear Aunt B,

Dear Aunt B,

What are your favorite television shows or movies? I am looking for some new things to watch on television this summer and wonder what you are watching. Give me some ideas.


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