Columns & Editorials

Ask Aunt B

B Dear Aunt B, How do you find really fun things to do? I am bored and want more in my life. I do have friends but probably need to expand my circle. I heard that you become an average of the 5 people you spend the most time around. Do you believe that is true? If so, me, myself, and I are three of them. Time to break out. Thanks in advance for any help.

Ask Aunt

B Dear Aunt B, Ok, I know you said not to worry that the first of the year is past and I haven’t started on my stuff yet, but how do I figure out what to start on first and where to begin? I’m sure you are tired of talking about the new year, but I need some assistance. I don’t want December 31st to come again and to feel the same way I do every year.


Are wild hogs good eating? They can be! Read Luke’s column this week for the straight scoop.



Ask Aunt

B Dear Aunt B, Is it weird that music can completely change my mood? I mean, it’s nice when it helps me to be motivated, but when I hear that one song (you know the one) that takes me back to the heartbreak of my life… dang. I want the good and not the bad.


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