
What is Prediabetes?

What is Prediabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition that affects millions of people across the globe. In the United States alone, more than 37 million people have diabetes, with approximately 90 to 95 percent of those individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Forney Chamber Ribbon Cutting


In the 80s, I had the belt. Maybe you did, too. You know the belt, right? Light brown filigree leather overlayed onto a darker brown leather, snaps on one end to attach either a purchased or won buckle, I can only be describing a western belt. Having done nothing to earn a buckle, mine was store bought. In the world of western buckles, there was but one feminine version, the barrel racer. I had not, then, nor have I since, ridden a horse with the goal of rounding barrels in a timely fashion. In fact, I mostly rode my neighbor’s mule, but that’s a topic for a day when laughter is called for. Back to belts. The pinnacle of western belt design rested in the posterior view. Is a western belt even a western belt without your name on the back of it? Mine didn’t say Dina, if we’re basing it on how life has gone for me over the past 5-plus decades. Mine said something far more ominous. Sucker.


The whitetail rut is underway and there is no better time to harvest that big antlered buck of your dreams.



The Chance to Give Back

The Chance to Give Back

One of the best ideas that people have embraced through social media is using the month of November to remind themselves why they are thankful for the life they have. And many, many of those posts refer to the fact that the poster knows that they are indeed blessed with a good life. But some of our neighbors do not all share the same blessings, and that is where we receive the chance to give back. Part of the blessing in giving back is knowing you have genuinely helped someone who needed a hand up, and doing so anonymously is a soul-enriching way that almost has no equal.

Forney Parks and Recreation Launches Youth Baseball and Softball Program

Forney Parks and Recreation Launches Youth Baseball and Softball Program

The City of Forney’s Parks and Recreation Department is pleased to announce the introduction of Forney Rec Sports, a city-operated youth baseball and softball program designed to provide young athletes and their families with an exceptional sports experience. The program caters to children aged 3 through 14 and offers a comprehensive range of opportunities, including softball, baseball, and coed tee-ball. With seasons scheduled for both spring and fall, the inaugural season is set to commence in April 2024, and early registration is available starting on December 5th, 2023.

Avian Influenza not Expected to Disrupt Thanksgiving Turkey Prices and Stock

Avian influenza has struck again, but isn’t expected to disrupt Thanksgiving turkey prices as much as last year. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)

Avian Influenza not Expected to Disrupt Thanksgiving Turkey Prices and Stock

After just a three to four month break from avian influenza, the poultry industry is reeling again from another outbreak that has swept across the U.S., but this one isn’t expected to disrupt holiday turkey prices as much as last year.


Opening weekend of deer season is just ahead, the whitetail rut is underway and there is no better time to harvest the buck of your dreams.




Forney Messenger

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Physical Address: 201 W. Broad St., Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599