
Time to Run for FUN!

Time to Run for FUN!

Time to sign up for the 5th Annual Antlers and TuTus Fun Run that is happening this year on December 9 at Willett Elementary at 1896 South Gateway Boulevard with an 8 a.m. start time. And there is something new this year! Bragging rights for an entire year are up for grabs. The campus with the most participation takes home the coveted annual trophy for that year. Any student, teacher, parent, or friend can support the campus of their choice by selecting it when registering for the run. All participants will receive a commemorative t-shirt and, after the race, breakfast with Santa himself. This event has been wonderfully received every year it has been held and has been a source of laughter and great fun for the participants and volunteers.

Ask Aunt B

B Dear Aunt B, I have been the major caretaker for my mother, and I am not complaining. She has passed away, and I am truly sad about that. My problem is that I am also relieved, and I feel so guilty about that relief.


It’s time to think ahead and shop for the outdoor person on your list. Do they need a new cast iron skillet or possibly an electric smoker? How about a kit for starting a campfire anywhere? Luke’s column this week might help you decide.



Beard School – The Fine Art of Facial Hair
Beard School – The Fine Art of Facial Hair

Beard School – The Fine Art of Facial Hair

“ Kissing a man with a beard is a lot like going to a picnic. You don’t mind going through a little bush to get there!” Minnie Pearl For those who wish to join the fraternity of bearded men, you might find yourself hoping that your wife or significant other would share the sentiments of Minnie Pearl. If you’ve always wanted to grow a beard, or perhaps are only now considering letting your facial hair grow, then read on.

Ask Aunt B

B Dear Aunt B, I have grandchildren that I want to spend time with. I actually get very little time with them. The other grandparents seem to have unlimited time. When I ask for more time, I am told that they are very busy and there just isn’t any more time available. The next thing I know, I hear about something where they have spent spontaneous time with the other grandparents and had so much fun.

How to Plant Fruit Trees

Establishing and properly maintaining fruit trees can provide an incredible amount of fresh fruit. AgriLife Extension has resources that can direct you to the best varieties for your specific location. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Tamara Garza)

How to Plant Fruit Trees

Getting a peach tree from planted to producing takes years, but following AgriLife Extension recommendations can speed the process and help avoid setbacks and losses.

How to Plant Fruit Trees

A young pecan tree planted at The Gardens at Texas A&M University. Note the weedfree zone maintained around younger trees to reduce competition for resources. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)

How to Plant Fruit Trees

Pears are a relatively easy tree to establish and maintain throughout Texas compared to other fruit varieties like peaches, plums, apricots and apples. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)

How to Plant Fruit Trees

Expert provides transplant tips to establish fruit trees and push them to production


Dear Connor and Leslie Ann, Congratulations on the day of your wedding. I wish to impart some advice to you two. You should know, however, this is not my advice, necessarily. I have garnered these tidbits from several older married couples whom I interviewed, strictly for the purposes of this column.


Forney Messenger

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