Columns & Editorials

More than Bad Handwriting

More than Bad Handwriting

Many parents have experienced it. Their children’s (or their own) penmanship is barely legible. Even after several years in school, their handwriting is extremely poor. These learners may be bright, high achievers, but their handwriting does not reflect their academic ability. Teachers (and parents) may think the learner is “Lazy” or simply not putting forth effort to produce neat work. In some cases, this may be true, in others, a legitimate disability may be the cause of their poor penmanship.


The last judgment will be before GOD sitting on a Great White Throne. The people who will be judged there are the “lost” or the “dead” so called in the Bible. REVELATION 20: 11-15. The Bible says the dead, small and great, will be those who stand there to be judged. All saved Christians have already been judged. The judgment will not be for the sins people have committed, but all will be judged for their “works”. When Jesus died on the Cross He paid for the sins of the whole world.. I believe the last judgment will be to determine how deep each person will go into the lake of fire. Death and hell will cast into the lake of fire, the Devil and all his angels will also be thrown into the lake of fire. When we think about the horror of that time and many “good” people by earth’s standard will be thrown into the fire. Many will try to tell all the good things they have done in their lifetime, but when GOD looks into their souls and can’t see His Son Jesus Christ there He will say “depart” from me you workers of evil I never knew you. Jesus said there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Saints will be with Jesus judging the lost. What will it be like to see family members or relatives go into that fire?

Knock Knock
Knock Knock

Knock Knock

I open my eyes. The dog on the floor stirs as if my wakefulness has an aroma or creates a silent whistle only canines can hear. The dog in the bed wiggles. The other dog in the bed stretches and shakes his head, long ears thwacking like helicopter blades. What day is it? I sit up in bed, my hair “pineappled” into a unicorn horn of a ponytail, because I read that’s the best way to preserve curls. It’s 6:41 am on a random Sunday. I feel my stomach churn. For so many people, weekends are times to relax, let go, throw caution to the wind. You’ve worked hard all week, after all. Weekends are for throwing rule books out of half open car windows on one’s way to doing something fun. Let’s go to the lake. Let’s go to the beach. Let’s go shopping. Let’s not care about whether the countertops are wiped down or beds are made. Those are concerns for stuffy, weekday adults, after all. But, alas, I don’t have those feelings. For 54 and one-half years, I only have one thought when I wake up on weekend mornings. Visitors (GULP). It’s time for the scary, judgy, vindictive, motley crew called random visitors.

Three Rights Make a Left

Three Rights Make a Left

Early voting for Texas Constitutional Amendments started this week and turnout is expected to be very low. There is a lot at stake and it is important to know what is in each proposed amendment. Here is a brief description of what we are voting on. Please read them and get out and vote.

Laymen’s Corner

We can’t love someone unless we know them. No one has ever seen GOD and lived to tell about it. If we are going to love GOD according to the Bible’s instruction, we have to “know” Him. That doesn’t mean to know about Him but to stay close to Him through prayer and obedience. That may sound easy but we have the enemy of GOD throwing temptations in our path 24/7. The devil knows our weakest part and will always start there to stop us from serving GOD. When a person is “saved” the devil loses that soul but he will do everything in his power to keep them from serving GOD.

The Food Pugilist’s Guide to Life
The Food Pugilist’s Guide to Life

The Food Pugilist’s Guide to Life

From 1988 until 1992, a piece of animal meat never crossed my lips. I was young and impressionable, living outside of Texas for the first time. Mom to a toddler, pregnant with my 2nd child, and brand new to the northern sector of The Commonwealth of Virginia, I was searching for the meaning of life in a big way. DC suburbs were odd back then. I’ve never felt so unwelcomed, with my Texas accent and my big hair. I attempted to acclimate quickly. We didn’t have health insurance. I met a neighbor, a lovely woman whose heart broke when she saw my huge stomach, my kiddo in a stroller, and my tears. She introduced me to the concept of home birth and registered midwives. My family back in Texas thought I’d lost my mind. A baby born at home – why, wasn’t that illegal? Barbaric? But I took off one day, paper map in hand, to venture to a distant city called Alexandria for an appointment at the only listing for midwives I found in the yellow pages. That visit changed my life, as did the many trips to the Smithsonian in DC. Did I mention we were strapped for cash? What’s a 21-year-old pregnant woman to do with no gas and no way to pay for things? Hop onto the VRE and go into the city. Museums don’t cost an arm and a leg, and a brisk walk along the mall will silence the grouchiest preschooler. That’s the first time I ever saw a PETA booth. It changed my life, as well. But, soon, I would find myself back in Texas, pregnant again, a meat eater once more. I was doing good to feed my kids, let alone make a separate vegetarian meal for myself. The lure of a meatless diet did not die with those years, however. I have been an on again, off again vegan for most of my adult years. My Texas family chimed in many times, with criticism and good-natured ribbing. No meat? Are you a communist or something? Finally, the experts hopped onto my bandwagon. All the celebs are vegan. Meatless Mondays are a thing, per Good Morning America. I became smug, a vegetable satiated know-it-all. Thankfully, my inner Maya Angelo kicked in around a year ago. I learned better. Everything changed.

Trends in Social Media

Trends in Social Media

Unfortunately, social media often has more influence on youth behavior than parental example and influence. I’m referring specifically to the TikTok challenges that inspire typically well-behaved young people to take risks or commit unsavory or illegal acts to net a degree of social media fame. According to an article in the Dallas Morning News, a current challenge that is vexing North Texas schools and schools everywhere is known as “Devious Licks.” In the Devious Licks challenges, participants video themselves stealing, moving and in some cases, destroying school property and equipment as each challenger tries to outdo each other with bigger, bolder, and often more expensive acts of theft or vandalism.

Laymen’s Corner

Many people seem to think that being a Christian means living a dull and drab life with a long face and no fun and games or excitement in their lives. I believe that is one of the most powerful weapons that the devil has to use on people to keep them from accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Christian life is filled with joy and fulfillment. We go to Church to worship GOD and serve Him wherever He sends us. The earthly life brings laughter and good times, but only for a short time and then something else must be found to bring back the fun and games. Faithful Christians have GOD’S presence in their lives 24/7. They experience joy, peace, and safety when GOD is present. I can’t see how life could be any better than that.

I Feel Good. I Feel Great. I Feel Wonderful.
I Feel Good. I Feel Great. I Feel Wonderful.

I Feel Good. I Feel Great. I Feel Wonderful.

My shoulders have been aching since 1999. There’s just something about going through a divorce that will throw the weight of the world onto your neck. I can only speak from a mother’s point of view, since I’ve never been a father. We tend to open a vault in our stomachs and announce to the world, “Hey, everyone. I feel like a piece of crap. I’ve decided to carry around a bunch of guilt and disappointment. I’m going to let my kids’ stuff, all of their heartache and tragedy, that I feel like I caused, in here, too. Anyone else want to stuff some bad feelings inside of me?” Here’s the thing about inviting the world to beat you up. The world is typically all too happy to join in the fun. Then there’s the whole added aspect of being a product of divorce, myself. Nothing says joy like throwing your children a birthday party and having to coordinate their grandparents’ arrivals and departures so they won’t run into each other. Then we lose people. It’s universal. My daughter – poof. Gone. My father isn’t here. My mom isn’t always sure who I am. If you’ve ever been sick before, really sick – and who hasn’t – add that into the mix. And, finally, it’s not like we’ve been quarantined in a really tacky alternate universe for over a year or anything, right? Are you feeling testy or a bit hopeless or a tad like you’ve had 10 plates spinning on very tall poles for 20 years and they’re all about to come crashing down to the ground? You are not alone, friends. What’s one to do? As for me, I’m taking a little stroll down to therapy land for the first time in 54 years.

Laymen’s Corner

Christian joy has not gone anywhere. Each Sunday morning in Sunday school I see Christian faces filled with joy and excitement to have fellowship with their Christian brothers and sisters. Sometimes it is hard to get the Sunday school lesson started. I believe that is the way it will be in Heaven. The fellowship will be perfect and joy will be seen everywhere. Although this life on earth is not always good, think what we have to look forward to. Instead of praying for GOD to restore everything, let’s pray that His will is done. It may be that GOD is winding things up here so the new Heaven and earth can be created and eternity started.


Forney Messenger

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